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Quickly understand "transplanting" in 2 minutes
Date:2022/8/2 19:41:44 Hits:2587
The printing is a kind of concave print. The printing is concave with steel (or copper, thermal plastic) concave.Then press the required object surface to print text, patterns, etc.It can be transferred from 2D image to 3D objects.
PrintedThe printed printed materials are generally made of ceramics, metals, plastics, paper, film and other materials, which can be printed on its plane, cylindrical, and spherical surface.ClassificationClassified by transmission: Different transmission methods of the printer's main motion can be divided into three types, namely manual manual migrant printers, electric printers and pneumatic printers.Classification according to printing color numbers: According to the different printing color of the printing process, the migration machine can be divided into monochrome printers, dual -color migrant printers and multi -color migrant printers.
Classified by ink storage method: According to different ink storage methods, it can be divided into oil basin and oil cup -type printers.InkInk is generally distinguished by drying, which can be divided into solvent volatile, UV ultraviolet drying type, and water -based ink.Solvent volatileThe solvent volatile type, its drying speed depends on the burning point of the solvent. The higher the lift point, the slower the volatile. The faster volatile speed is suitable for the transplanting (more easy to remove the ink).When wet, the tape can be completely pressed to the top of the printers to completely remove the ink.UV ultraviolet drying typeThe UV ultraviolet drying type, the condition of the dry ink depends on the exposure of UV light. In recent years, although it has a special UV ink, the effect is not as good as the solvent volatile.Hydrophilic inkWater -based ink is naturally volatile and dry. Of course, you can also use the oven to accelerate and dry. Used on the printing printing is usually special industries such as ceramics, contact lenses.