Plates for pad printing machine
Plates for pad printing machine, it transfered the design from plates to the printing products, we need to make the plates according to the printing design.

Rubber heads
According to the printing design to choose the rubber heads.
Blade or ceramic ring for pad printing machine
Scrape off the excess ink on the surface of the steel plate and show the part of the pattern.

Ink for pad printing machine
Metal, plastic, wood and so on have a variety of different numbers and materials, so you need to choose the best adhesion ink according to different products.
The jig for the printing products
The printing pattern should be printed on the same position of the product every time, and a special supporting fixture should be made, and the fixed workpiece is not allowed to move. There are many kinds of clamp materials: atomic ash, aluminum, electric wood and other materials, to do not scratch the product and can be very well fixed shall prevail.
Compressed air
Most of the inside the pad printing machines are pneumatic elements, requiring compressed air as a driving source.